full moon, full life.
Hi! I'm Flynn and I live in the Philippines. (My timezone is GMT +8)I identify as nonbinary and bisexual, so any pronouns is fine by me, but I prefer either he/him or they/them.I change hyperfocuses often and mostly post about media I consume-- I go into detail about it here.English and Filipino are my main languages, and I am currently learning (and still absolutely terrible at) French and Japanese.I'm picky with who I follow, so please don't take it personally if I don't follow you back.
"There is nothing incriminating I can say about Flynn that doesn't also apply to me. The 7 twitter AUs for various properties. The Akeshu icons. Emet-Selch cock. When Flynn dies and goes to hell, so too will I, both equally deserving.
So actually I think Flynn is fine and normal."
- Miles (@leonkarnak)"Flynn be like 'so I'm bringing a used napkin and a paperclip, do you think a spoon is too excessive?'"
- Mimi (@cosmodancer)"I think Flynn's tulpa should massacre and replace them."
- Jia (@beetle_crab)"Flynn is shorter so they are closer to hell and have demonic forces at their side."
- Flo (@byakkofanpage)"Villainfuckers are so boring but at least Flynn is entertaining about it!"
- Ellen (@bursterasure)"Oh Flynn, my Godslayer..."
- Krishna, from Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (about someone else named Flynn)
video games